Aullidos TV

Aullidos TV 1.0.2

Image Aullidos TV 1.0.2
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  • OS:

    Windows XP

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  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "TV Channels of Terror and Fear"

Aullidos TV puts at your disposal a whole world of multimedia entertainment based mainly on the terror of movies, series and video games.

So, if you like to be scared watching movies and series or playing titles like Resident Evil and F.E.A.R. this download is practically indispensable. Aullidos TV presents an infinite number of channels in which the common denominator refers to pure and hard terror. The multimedia content can be played both live and on demand, being able to choose with the last method what you want to see at every moment.

The quality of the emissions is really high. In addition, Aullidos TV allows you to play the channels in Full Screen mode.

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